The Keri Deco is beautifully carved in sandstone. The beige color and the organic shapes add a natural look to the sculptural figure. Beautiful on its own or in a still life. The beauty of a natural stone is that no two pieces are exactly alike. Each is a unique piece of art forged by Mother Nature over millennia using heat, pressure, and lots of different minerals and organic materials. The way these minerals settle into the stone is what causes the huge array of colors, patterns, texture, and veining in each slab.
Product | Figurine |
Place of Origin | Denmark |
Material | Stoneware |
Height | 22,5 cm |
Length | 12,5 cm |
Width | 5 cm |
Colour | Nature |
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We see every decor piece as a sculpture and a piece of art that enhances your space with modern yet timeless design touch.
Each of our independent creators have their unique vision that goes in line with Isola's philosophy.