These charismatic characters are in the form of a table-stool that amazes them with their originality and non-conformism. Stools and tables Attila & Napoleon are designed to furnish any environment without exception, with sympathy and humor, but also with an eye for functionality: in fact, the gnome's hat is flat and round, specially designed to be used as a supporting surface or a stool. You can use this decorative element as a table for your tea ceremony, a flower pot stand, or as a chair or footstool.
Product | Decorative stool & table |
Material |
Dyed thermoplastic technopolymer |
Height | 41 cm |
Width | 34 cm |
Weight |
5,5 kg |
Colour | Black |
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We see every decor piece as a sculpture and a piece of art that enhances your space with modern yet timeless design touch.
Each of our independent creators have their unique vision that goes in line with Isola's philosophy.